Asset Loan
Also referred to as a Chattel Mortgage, an Asset Loan enables you to immediately receive the benefits of equipment ownership upon purchase. Under an Asset Loan, CNH Industrial Capital holds a mortgage over the equipment for the duration of the loan.
- Fixed interest rate for the term of the loan.
- You may be able to claim the GST component when filing your return.
- You can propose a balloon or final payment to suit you.
- You can tailor your repayments to match your income cycles or seasonal requirements.
- You decide the deposit and payment structures to suit your individual business requirements.
- As you hold ownership of the equipment, you may be able to claim depreciation and interest costs as tax-deductible expenses.
Loan Term
12 months to 60 months
Minimum Amount
Maximum Amount
Interest Rate
Fixed underlying interest rate for the term of the loan
Payment Structure
We offer flexibility with the payment structure so you can tailor commitments to match your cash flow. A payment is required at least every 12 months and can be made in advance or in arrears
You hold ownership of the equipment
Fees & Charges
We apply a once-off establishment fee to each new loan. This fee covers the regulatory and administration costs of a new loan agreement and can be financed or paid upfront upon loan establishment
A balloon payment at the end of the term is optional