0800 483 266


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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about CNH Industrial Capital products, operations and customer service.

CNH Industrial Capital

What are your hours of operation?
CNH Industrial Capital operates between 8:30am-5:30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
How do I contact CNH Industrial Capital?
Our customer service team can be contacted online, on the phone. or email.
How do I apply for finance?
Contact your local dealership to discuss the finance options available. Our dealer locator will assist in finding their details. Alternatively, you can contact our customer service team.

Our Products

Do you have any establishment fees?
We apply a once-off establishment fee to each new loan. This fee covers the regulatory and administration costs of a new loan agreement and can be financed or paid upfront upon loan establishment.
Do you have monthly loan service account fees?
No, there are no loan service fees on any products offered by CNH Industrial Capital.
Can I payout my agreement early?
Yes. If you are looking to payout your agreement early, simply contact our team to obtain a payout value.
Do you charge early termination fee if I payout my agreement early?
No. With our Asset Loan you are only charged the principle amount outstanding and the interest payable to the end of the early payout month.
What type of interest rates do you have and how is it charged?
CNH Industrial Capital offers fixed interest rates over the life of the agreement. Interest is calculated daily on the loan balance and charged monthly.
Can I make additional repayments?
Yes, additional repayments can be made using direct credit to our bank account. Please use your loan agreement number as a reference when the payment is made. Alternatively, contact our customer service team.
What flexibility do I have with my loan repayments structured?
Depending on your specific industry and cash flow, we can structure repayments to suit. This could include annual, half yearly, quarterly and monthly repayment structures.
Is insurance required for loan settlement?
Yes, comprehensive insurance is required for the life of the loan with CNH Industrial Capital. Insurance must list the VIN of all assets and show CNH Industrial Capital as the interested party.

Customer Service

How do I update my personal details should they change?
How do I request a copy of my contract or payment reschedule?
My bank details have changed. How do I update them?
A new direct debit form will need to be completed and sent to our customer service team.
Do I receive a notification of my final payment?
A letter is sent 60 days prior to the final payment due date.
Can I request a third party to have access to my account?
Information can only be released to a third party if the account holder has completed the CNH Industrial Capital authority form. The form can be obtained by contacting our customer service team.